Miner Specialized Repairs
MegaMiner has been by your side with an experienced staff consisting of experts and Phd graduates of electronics and world-class equipment. also has a long history in the field of repairing miner parts and always tries to update his technical knowledge by the research and development team. Our effort at Megaminer is always to fully resolve the concerns of cryptocurrency mining farm owners regarding the maintenance and repair of their devices, and in this regard, we provide our services with the highest quality and in the fastest possible time.

In MegaMiner, You entrust the job to Professionals!!!

MegaMiner 24/7 is Available!
Our Services
Specialized and reliable repairs of miner, hash board, power, control board, graphic card, farm design, miner periodic service, miner purchase and maintenance consultation, miner installation and commissioning…

Many software problems of miners can be solved by updating the firmware…
So, click on the button below to update your miner right now!
Farm management software (coming soon…)
Repairs Department of MegaMiner
MegaMiner Group repairs all miner brands as well as repairs and sells all different miner parts. including hash board repairs, control board repairs, power repairs, graphics card repairs, etc.
This is one of the most common failures. Because all the work of mining digital currencies is directly on the chips, which leads to failure. This problem can be from power distribution, a fault in the first or last chip, or some other problem. Probably the hash board needs to be repaired.
- acceptance of Miner/Components
- Miner/Components entering the warehouse
- According to the opinion of the technical expert, each part is entered into its specialized department (for example, power miner to power miner repair specialists, Hashbird Watts miner to Hashbird Watts miner repair specialists or Hashbird Antminer to Hashbird Antminer repair specialists and any part or brand It also goes to the repair specialist of that part or brand.) and it is repaired.
- After the repair process, the part enters the testing process.
- At this stage, the QC unit checks the repaired part and delivers it to the warehouse again.
- All steps are sent to our dear customers through SMS.
MegaMiner Group has a highly specialized approach to miner repairs, and with the cooperation of electronics and computer experts and doctors and using the most up-to-date tools and equipment, we have made it possible for the customer to use their product easily after repairing the miner parts. In this regard, our miner repair department in Tehran offers you repair services with a 40-day warranty after repair.
In response to this question, it should be said: 5 years will be a relatively average life for a miner. But the lifespan of 10 years is not unprecedented for miners. There are even graphics processors that have entered the second decade of their activity along with the age of digital currencies.
But like any other electrical device, miners will have problems during their working period. To solve the problem and repair the miners, it is better to leave them to our professional and reliable repairmen and experts to avoid wasting time.